Archive for the ‘Marketing & PR’ Category

For any business, producing a video commercial is a bold and expensive way to announce your presence/product/service to a wide audience. It only takes a few minutes of a cleverly executed spot that can explain what a business does and engage viewers in a way static advertisements cannot. YouTube videos can be produced and broadcast […]

“If you haven’t asked the question, how will you know the answer?” That saying is a concise summation of the foundation behind conducting a survey to find out information about your customers. However, survey research is not as simple as asking questions: The correct questions must be asked of the right people. You must first […]

Google announced today that it will now factor in how mobile-friendly a website is when ranking your search results on a smartphone. Pages that are optimized for small screens will be boosted in the result versus those designed strictly for the desktop. This boost however, will only apply to mobile searches. Google announced plans to […]