Gen Z’s Screen Time: A Stratospheric Surge

Gen Z, they’re breaking records! With an average daily screen time of 7 hours and 7 minutes, they’re up by a hefty 6.5% from last year. And weekly? They’re clocking in a mind-blowing 49 hours. That’s nearly 9% more than in 2022. This isn’t just a small bump; it’s a giant leap!

In 2023, their median screen time shot up by 8.8%. We’re talking about a generation that’s spending over 100% more time on their mobiles than the global average. And in the US? They’re a whopping 92% above the national average. This isn’t just a habit; it’s a lifestyle.

The Intriguing Trends Behind the Numbers

But wait, there’s more! While Generation Z is soaking up screen time, something curious is happening. Their phone pickups decreased by 7%. Yes, they’re checking their phones less, but when they do, it’s for longer. It’s like they’re settling in for a Netflix binge, but on their phones.

This trend extends beyond just phone usage. Gen Z is spending nearly 9 hours a week on TikTok – a staggering 51% increase from last year. And Instagram? They’re dedicating over 7 and a half hours weekly. It’s clear: social media isn’t just part of their day; it’s central to their daily lives.

PR Strategies for the Screen-Obsessed Gen Z

So, what does this mean for PR folks? It’s simple: Generation Z is ripe for digital campaigns. They’re not just online; they’re deeply engaged. This is your chance to make a splash with content that sticks. Think vibrant visuals and stories that resonate. It’s time to get creative!

But here’s the trick: your content needs to be snappy and compelling. You’re competing with TikToks and Insta stories, after all. Keep it short, make it punchy, and add a dash of humor. Think Jeremy Clarkson meets TikTok – relatable, witty, and to the point.

The Right Platforms for Gen Z Engagement

Alright, where to focus your energy? TikTok and Instagram are your go-to platforms. They’re not just popular; they’re Generation Z’s digital hangouts. Other apps like Snapchat are seeing a decline, down 28% in screen time. So, invest your efforts where Gen Z is most active.

And here’s a key stat: Gen Z’s screen time on these platforms is skyrocketing. With their increased time per session, your content has a better chance of grabbing their attention. This isn’t the time for filler content. Every post, every story needs to be a hit.

Navigating Gen Z’s Digital World

To sum it up, Gen Z’s screen time is more than a number; it’s a gateway to their world. For PR pros, this means an opportunity to engage like never before. Remember, it’s about making a connection. Speak their language, show up on their favorite platforms, and you’ll not just reach them – you’ll resonate with them.

So, that’s the lowdown on Gen Z’s digital dominance. Now, go forth and conquer the screens of this vibrant, connected generation!

If you are looking for PR support in Dubai, Saudi Arabia or across the GCC region, please reach out here: Contact Joshua Mathias